
The focus of this workshop will be to work on open problems related to Random Graph Models. Attendees with a question (or set of questions) suitable for group collaboration over the 1.5 days of this workshop are asked to prepare:

  • a 5/10min pitch/presentation for the whole group
  • about 1 page of info to be brought as a poster or to be written out on a whiteboard (in view for the duration of the workshop) 

All attendees will join a group for each of the two collaboration sessions. There will be one question set per group and attendees will need to make their choice based on the presentations made (presenters are to attend the group focusing on their own questions). 


  • Begin: Monday, September 12th at 12:30

  • End: Tuesday, September 13th at 15:00


TU Kaiserslautern
Gebäude 48, Seminarraum 680
Gottlieb-Daimler Str., 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany


Key-Note Speakers:


There is no registration fee. Attendees are expected to cover the cost of lunch and/or dinner. However, we need to know numbers for coffee break portions and restaurant reservations. Thus, please register by sending an email to kleinbauer[at]cs.uni-kl.de by 01.08.2016  including the following information:
-Date/time of arrival:
-Date/time of departure:
-Will you attend the dinner on Monday evening?
-Will you attend the lunch on Tuesday?
-Will you present an open problem? If so, then please also submit a short abstract (by email) by 01.09.2016.


For booking a hotel, please have a look at the fixed price reservation we can provide here.
If you want to book on your own, then you can use this booking link or any other booking service you like.


To arrive from anywhere in Germany (and near cities like Paris) to Kaiserslautern via trains, you can use Deutsche Bahn.
There is a regular public transportation buses in Kaiserslautern, for more information vist the VRN website.




For any information about the workshop, please email: