Algorithmic Accountability
Biological Analyses
Cognitive Science
Complex Network Analysis
Network Analysis Literacy
Algorithmic Accountability
Deciding about, by and together with algorithmic decision making systems
The overarching ambitof our project is to examine whether there are limitationsto this kind of ADM, within the range of AIsystemsused today. ADM systems are becoming increasingly popular, especially within notoriously cash-strapped criminal justice systems(“CJS”; to be used for both the singular and plural). Within western CJS, especially those of the USA and the UK, these toolsare used atvarious stages of the process to assess the risk a particular individual poses to the public (e.g. at bail, parole, or at sentencing).In the USA, major civil liberties unions such as the ACLU have even advocated their use atall stages of the criminal process to avoid possible human biases.
That increasing popularity of ADM within the CJS, coupled with the extremely grave potential consequences for individuals when it comes to errors of any CJS decision, makes the CJS an ideal research area to compare the following: on the one hand the various ways in whichhumans alone make decisions about other humans compared with how ADM systems alone make the same decisions about humans, with the ways in which humans in conjunction with ADM systems take decisions about other humans. Avery closely related question we wish to analyze is why and how a given polity decides whether and how to use an ADM systemwithin its CJS
Selected Publications and Press Coverage
Datenspende Project
There is much speculation about the influence that search engines have on the information we take note of. In fact, we know very little about how they weight and display information. But search engines are so central to our society that we need a way to independently investigate them. We did it thanks to a crowdsourcing project, the Datenspende BTW17.
Selected Publications and Press Coverage
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Biological Analyses
Global miRNA analysis
Selected Publications
- Stefan Uhlmann, Heiko Mannsperger, Jitao David Zhang, Emöke-Ágnes Horvát, Christian Schmidt, Moritz Küblbeck, Frauke Henjes, Aoife Ward, Ulrich Tschulena, Katharina Zweig, Ulrike Korf, Stefan Wiemann, and Özgür Sahin: "Global microRNA level regulation of EGFR-driven cell-cycle protein network in breast cancer", Molecular Systems Biology 8:569, doi: 10.1038/msb.2012.2, 2012
Press Coverage
- The article was featured on and accompanied by a 'news and views' article by Marcos Malumbres
- Press release of the Heidelberg university
- Nationales Genomforschungsnetzwerk
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Cognitive Science
Understanding human navigation in complex networks
Selected Publications
- Sudarshan R. Iyengar, K.A. Zweig, Abhiram Natarajan, and C.E. Veni Madhavan: "A network analysis approach to understand the human-wayfinding problem", Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011
Press Coverage
- RNZ (local newspaper)
- Psychologie aktuell
- Article in the journal of the Heidelberg university
- Press release of the Heidelberg university
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Complex Network Analysis
Local Identification of Central Nodes, Clusters, and Network Motifs in Very Large Complex Networks (DFG SPP 1736)
In this project, we will develop a model of local versions of these three approaches, which fundamentally describes how a corresponding measure can be transformed into a local variant of itself. The basic method is to develop algorithms based on graph theoretical reasoning where the algorithm engineering is informed by machine learning to include real-world properties of the data and real-life behavior of hardware. The newly developed measures and models will be put into praxis and their usefullness will be evaluated on big data of RIOT games, a USA-based computer game company.
One plus one makes three for social networks
Selected Publications
- Emöke-Ágnes Horvát, Michael Hanselmann, Katharina Zweig, and Fred Hamprecht: One plus one makes three (for social networks), PLoS ONE 7(4): e34740. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034740, 2012.
Press Coverage
- Germany
- SpiegelOnline
- Standard (Österreich)
- DRadio Wissen (Podcast); Interview with Jürgen Kuri (c't, Germany's most renowned computer magazine) on shadow profiles. Here is the direct link to the podcast.
- Scinexx, the online science magazine of Springer
- Press release of the Heidelberg university
- International press:
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Network Literacy
Network Analysis Literacy
Selected Publications
- Katharina Anna Zweig: Network Analysis Literacy - A Practical Approach to the Analysis of Networks. Lecture Notes in Social Networks, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-7091-0740-9, pp. 3-485
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